- All rights, including intellectual property rights, to the fonts provided belong to NEOPLE Inc.
- The fonts are free for all users, including individuals and businesses, and can be freely used, modified, and redistributed. (Can be used for commercial purposes)
- It is prohibited to sell the font itself for a fee. You can bundle it with other software or use it as an embedded font, including the copyright notice of the font.
- We recommend that you attribute the source of the font.
- Printed materials and advertisements (including online) using the font may be used for promotions of NEOPLE Inc.
NEOPLE Font License Policy
Copyright (c) 2023, NEOPLE Inc. (https://www.neople.co.kr),
with Reserved Font Name ForgedBlade_TTF.ttf, ForgedBlade_OTF.otf, DNFBitBit_ver2_TTF.ttf, DNFBitBit_ver2_OTF.otf.