- The copyright and all intellectual property rights for the Wemep font, ‘Wemepche,’ are owned by ‘Wemep.’
- ‘Wemepche’ is available free of charge to all users, including individuals and businesses, and can be used freely.
- We recommend that you indicate the source of the font when using ‘Wemepche.’ This page uses Wemepche provided by Wemep.
- Images of printed materials, advertisements (online/offline), etc. using ‘Wemepche’ may be used for Wemep’s marketing and promotions.
- Users who do not wish to use the font for this purpose may request that its use be discontinued at any time.
- However, the following acts are prohibited in any form: selling the font itself for a fee, arbitrarily modifying/reworking the font and distributing it, creating trade names, CI/BI logos, etc. using this font, or using it as a trademark.
- In addition, the use of the font on illegal websites, false or exaggerated advertisements, and other printed/advertised materials that may damage Wemep’s image is prohibited.