[sn Byeolbyeoljeongjik Font Usage Guide]
1. The intellectual property rights of the sn Byeolbyeoljeongjik font belong to soner (wosr1@naver.com).
2. The sn Byeolbyeoljeongjik font is free for commercial use for both individual and corporate users, and can be freely distributed in the form of the corresponding compressed file.
3. The sn Byeolbyeoljeongjik font cannot be modified or sold by any user other than the intellectual property holder, and must be used as it is distributed.
4. Secondary creations using this font can be used for advertising, promotion, etc.
5. [β Importantβ ] Redistribution is only possible through the company's website [socialecho.kr or socialecho.com].
copyright β 2018 soner. All rights reserved.
Creator - soner
Email - wosr1@naver.com