The intellectual property rights of MBC 1961, MBC 1961 Gǔllim font belong to Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation.
MBC 1961, MBC 1961 Gǔllim font is free for all users, including individuals and businesses, and you can modify and redistribute it freely.
However, selling the font itself for a fee is prohibited.
MBC 1961, MBC 1961 Gǔllim font can be combined with other software, modified, changed, and used for profit or non-profit purposes, provided that it includes this copyright notice and the full license terms.
If it is difficult to include the full license terms of MBC 1961, MBC 1961 Gǔllim font, we recommend that you indicate the source of the font.
For example: This page uses MBC 1961, MBC 1961 Gǔllim font provided by Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation.
Images of printed materials, advertisements (including online) that use MBC 1961, MBC 1961 Gǔllim font may be used for Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation promotions.
Users who do not wish to do so may request this at any time.
For specific usage terms, please refer to the full license terms of MBC 1961, MBC 1961 Gǔllim font below.
For the user's understanding, a Korean translation of the full license terms is provided, but the legal effect is only in English.