The intellectual property rights of the Electric Safety font are owned by the Korea Electrical Safety Corporation.
For detailed usage information, please contact the Korea Electrical Safety Corporation.
- The Electric Safety font is free for all users, including individuals and companies, and can be used freely.
- The Electric Safety font prohibits selling the font itself for a fee or redistributing the font in any way by modifying or altering it.
- The Electric Safety font can be used for commercial purposes such as printed materials, advertisements (online/offline), products, CI/BI, etc.
- The Electric Safety font cannot be sold or redistributed by embedding or bundling it with other software.
- The Electric Safety font can be used by the Korea Electrical Safety Corporation for marketing purposes such as images of printed materials, advertisements (online/offline), products, CI/BI, etc.
The Electric Safety font is registered as Public Domain Type 1, which means it can be used freely by anyone, but attribution is required.
Public Domain Type 1
- Attribution
- Commercial and non-commercial use available
- Secondary creation such as modification available
- Caution: For institutional users, it is forbidden to change the designated file name of the Public Domain type mark file when downloading and using it.
When using public domain works, users must indicate the source or copyright holder as follows:
ex) "This work was created by 'Korea Electrical Safety Corporation' in '2024' and released as Public Domain Type 1 using 'Electric Safety font'. This work can be downloaded for free from 'Korea Electrical Safety Corporation,'."