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Jeju Mandarin Orange

Created by Uto Image
Views 39.9K
Styles Handwriting


License text

## Terms of Service

### 1. Scope of Use

All free fonts provided through this event can be used commercially or non-commercially by the recipient in all online and offline media.

However, please note that the following uses are strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with these terms will result in legal action.

* **Selling or distributing the original or modified (converted) versions of the font to the general public, whether for a fee or free of charge.**
* **Registering the original or modified (converted) version of the font, or secondary works, as intellectual property rights such as trademarks and service marks.**
* **Using the original or modified (converted) version of the font, or secondary works, for obscene, defamatory, slanderous, defamatory, or other illegal purposes.**

### 2. Attribution of Font Copyright Holders

When using free fonts provided through this event for reporting and publication purposes, the copyright holder must be indicated.
* **Copyright attribution method:** Font copyright holder UTOIMAGE (UTOIMAGE.COM)

### 3. Bundling and Embedding

Prior written permission from "Vividtree Inc." is required for the use of all free fonts provided through this event when bundled or embedded in various systems or software.

### 4. Use for Advertising and Promotion

Secondary works created using all free fonts provided through this event may be used for advertising, promotion, and promotional activities of "Vividtree Inc."

### 5. Modification and Termination of Terms

"Vividtree Inc." may modify or amend these terms of service at any time and may terminate the use of the font.

### 6. Disclaimer

"Vividtree Inc." shall not be liable for any and all claims, damages, or other liabilities arising in connection with the use or non-use of these free fonts, or their handling, including any contracts, torts, or general, special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.

* These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea, regardless of the user's nationality or place of residence. Any act that violates these terms or is carried out without prior consultation with the company will be deemed an infringement of copyright under the Copyright Act and related laws.

License summary
Category Usage scope Allowed
Print Brochures, posters, books, magazines and printed materials for publications, etc. O
Website Web pages, advertising banners, emails, e-brochures, etc. O
Video Video subtitles, movie opening/ending credits, UCC, etc. O
Wrapping paper Package for sale items O
Embedding Website & program server font installation, E-book creation โ–ณ
BI/CI Company name, brand name, product name, logo, mark, slogan, catchphrase X
Open Font License Font file modification, duplication, and distribution are permitted. However, commercial sales of font files are prohibited. X

โ€ป The above usage scope is for reference only. Please confirm the exact usage scope with the font copyright holder before use.
The usage scope may vary according to the regulations of the copyright holder.
The copyright holder is written under the font name at the top of the page.

ยฉ 2024 Project Noonnu Corp.

All fonts are copyrighted by their respective owners.
For inquiries about font usage licenses, please contact the copyright holder.