

Created by Korea Printing Culture Association
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License text

This typeface was created as part of a project to provide free typefaces and guides on typeface usage for the printing, publishing, and design industries, with funding from the Korean Printing Culture Association.
The copyright of the typeface belongs to the copyright holder. When using the downloaded typeface, please read the help file and use it within the scope of use.

The provider (institution, company, organization/association, individual) has provided a total of 151 typefaces, which can be used for general documents, printed publications, websites, personal works, personal videos, outdoor advertising, CI/BI, and e-learning.

- General documents
Can be used in documents created using word processing programs such as Word and Hancom Office.

- Printed publications
Can be used in printed publications such as brochures, company profiles, books, and magazines.

- Websites
Can be used as images on websites such as online shopping malls and company websites.

- Personal works
The typeface can be applied to personal works.

- Personal videos
The typeface can be applied to personal video production.

- Outdoor advertising
Can be used for outdoor advertisements such as signs and directional signs.

Can be used for company logos and brand symbols.

- E-learning/E-books
Can be used in educational e-learning subtitles or e-books.

- Merchandising
Can be used for various merchandise such as cups, tote bags, and T-shirts using the typeface.

Notes before use
1. The provided typeface is an official asset of the provider, and all rights to it belong to the provider.
2. Without prior written permission from the provider, modification of the source code and reverse engineering, or partial or complete modification at will is prohibited, and it must be used as it is distributed (without modifying the original font shape).
3. Without prior written permission from the provider, redistribution, arbitrary modification of the typeface itself, redistribution or resale through renaming is prohibited.
4. It cannot be used in negative or harmful media such as pornography or antisocial creations.
5. Depending on the computer specifications, there may be restrictions on installation and use.

License summary
Category Usage scope Allowed
Print Brochures, posters, books, magazines and printed materials for publications, etc. O
Website Web pages, advertising banners, emails, e-brochures, etc. O
Video Video subtitles, movie opening/ending credits, UCC, etc. O
Wrapping paper Package for sale items β–³
Embedding Website & program server font installation, E-book creation β–³
BI/CI Company name, brand name, product name, logo, mark, slogan, catchphrase β–³
Open Font License Font file modification, duplication, and distribution are permitted. However, commercial sales of font files are prohibited. X

β€» The above usage scope is for reference only. Please confirm the exact usage scope with the font copyright holder before use.
The usage scope may vary according to the regulations of the copyright holder.
The copyright holder is written under the font name at the top of the page.

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λ‹΅λ³€ 2개

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Β© 2024 Project Noonnu Corp.

All fonts are copyrighted by their respective owners.
For inquiries about font usage licenses, please contact the copyright holder.