Welcome Font License
1. The intellectual property rights of the Welcome Font belong to Welcome Savings Bank.
2. Welcome Font is provided free of charge to all users, including individual and corporate users, and can be used freely.
3. Welcome Font can be used commercially, both online and offline, in products, advertising, etc. However, it cannot be used for the logos, slogans, catchphrases, etc. of companies other than subsidiaries of Welcome Financial Group.
4. Arbitrary modification of the font file is prohibited, and the modified font file cannot be redistributed or sold.
5. The font file should be used as it is in the distributed TTF and OTF formats.
6. Use is prohibited in illegal websites, false or exaggerated advertising, and other printed materials, advertisements, and creations that could damage the image of Welcome Financial Group.
7. Images of products, advertisements, etc. that use Welcome Font may be used for our promotions.
8. The contents of the Welcome Font license may be changed or updated in the future.
Welcome Savings Bank CEM Headquarters BX Team
Welcome F&D Management Strategy Headquarters Strategy Planning Team
This guideline was updated on September 15, 2021.
It applies to all design creations that will be carried out after that.