섀립체 유건욱

Established by Yu-geon Wook

Created by Sseul-ro-net
Views 208K
Styles Decorative Font


License text

Sseulrone.net distributes fonts for free to encourage youth to enjoy media creation activities and promote communication through the use of various and free fonts without any copyright concerns.

1. It is free for all users, including individuals and businesses, and can be used for any commercial purpose.

2. However, it is not allowed to sell, modify or redistribute the font itself for commercial purposes.

3. It cannot be used for materials that may have a negative impact on Sseulrone.net or for anti-social materials (pornography, etc.).

4. All intellectual property rights of these fonts belong to the creators who are youth members of the '2021 Youth Design & Production Expert Group' and Sseulrone.net.

License summary
Category Usage scope Allowed
Print Brochures, posters, books, magazines and printed materials for publications, etc. O
Website Web pages, advertising banners, emails, e-brochures, etc. O
Video Video subtitles, movie opening/ending credits, UCC, etc. O
Wrapping paper Package for sale items O
Embedding Website & program server font installation, E-book creation O
BI/CI Company name, brand name, product name, logo, mark, slogan, catchphrase O
Open Font License Font file modification, duplication, and distribution are permitted. However, commercial sales of font files are prohibited. X

β€» The above usage scope is for reference only. Please confirm the exact usage scope with the font copyright holder before use.
The usage scope may vary according to the regulations of the copyright holder.
The copyright holder is written under the font name at the top of the page.

Use as webfont
@font-face {
    font-family: 'establishRetrosansOTF';
    src: url('https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/projectnoonnu/noonfonts_2112@1.0/establishRetrosansOTF.woff') format('woff');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
Design images made with this font See more →

Β© 2024 Project Noonnu Corp.

All fonts are copyrighted by their respective owners.
For inquiries about font usage licenses, please contact the copyright holder.