
Created by Rabbit's Typo. Foundry
Views 61.1K
Type Decorative Font


License text

- Personal and commercial use is free of charge.
All users, including individual and corporate users, can use it for free and modify and redistribute it freely.
However, it is prohibited to sell the font itself for a fee.

Usage range:
Document production (non-profit textbooks, exam papers, free distribution public relations documents, advertising and marketing distribution documents, internal documents of organizations, internal distribution presentations for business purposes, textbooks for profit-making purposes)
Forms (certificates, applications, notification forms, free distribution document forms, marketing distribution documents, internal documents and forms of organizations)
Distribution (brochures, posters, material preparation, reports, reporters, newsletters, wall decorations, books)
Magazines/Newspapers (general magazines, specialized magazines, central magazines (daily, sports, current affairs magazines), university magazines, academic journals, academic society journals, company newsletters, local newspapers, free newspapers, university newspapers)
Printed/published materials for sale (product packaging, wrapping paper, tickets (movies, plays, performances, sports), CD/DVD covers, jackets, stationery, postcards, cards)
Printing and publishing (brochures, newsletters, catalogs, pamphlets, leaflets, banners, coupons, business cards, flyers, in-store POP materials, envelopes, menus, instruction manuals, New Year's cards, invitations, cards, postcards, materials, company newsletters, publications, single volumes)
Books (reference books, learning materials, textbooks, encyclopedias, magazines, comics, newspaper articles)
Websites (emails, webtoons, website image creation, image banners, banner ads)
Video materials (video advertising (CF, theaters, virtual advertising, online, etc.), movie subtitles (trailers, main features, opening and ending, etc.), public and cable subtitles, general videos)
Mobile APP (application of various smartphones (UI design, embedding)
Secondary creations (image creation for direct sales purposes (PT templates, content products, emoticons, etc.), product creation using fonts directly (clothing, mugs, water bottles, towels, eco-bags, name stickers, etc.)
e-Learning (educational online video lectures, Flash lectures, etc.)
e-Book (creating and converting books, documents, magazines, etc. into e-Book format and distributing and posting them online)
CI, BI (company name, logo, mark, slogan, catchphrase, etc., brand name, product name, various package designs, etc.)
Indoor/Outdoor Advertising Materials (single signboard, indoor/outdoor signboard, rooftop signboard, advertising tower, electric signboard, advertising materials using public facilities, advertising materials using transportation facilities, advertising materials using transportation)
Embedding (embedding font files in various devices, servers, programs, games, etc.)

There is no license fee charged for using the font within the above-mentioned scope. Please contact us via email (hp0@naver.com) if you have any inquiries about the scope of use.
Unauthorized sale of fonts for a fee is subject to civil and criminal liability under copyright law, contract law, and other applicable laws.

License summary
Category Usage scope Allowed
Print Brochures, posters, books, magazines and printed materials for publications, etc. O
Website Web pages, advertising banners, emails, e-brochures, etc. O
Wrapping paper Package for sale items O
Video Video subtitles, movie opening/ending credits, UCC, etc. O
Embedding Website & program server font installation, E-book creation O
BI/CI Company name, brand name, product name, logo, mark, slogan, catchphrase O
Open Font License Font file modification, duplication, and distribution are permitted. However, commercial sales of font files are prohibited. O

※ The above usage scope is for reference only. Please confirm the exact usage scope with the font copyright holder before use.
The usage scope may vary according to the regulations of the copyright holder.
The copyright holder is written under the font name at the top of the page.

Use as webfont
@font-face {
    font-family: 'HSDuggobi';
    src: url('https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/projectnoonnu/2406@1.0/HSDuggobi.woff2') format('woff2');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;
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10 months ago | 646 views

© 2025 Project Noonnu Corp.

All fonts are copyrighted by their respective owners.
For inquiries about font usage licenses, please contact the copyright holder.