The Ownglyph Andol Science font is free to use for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.
The intellectual property rights of the Ownglyph Andol Science font belong to Voyager X, Inc. and Andol Science ((์ฃผ) ๋ชจ์ด์ฌ์ด์ธ์ค), the provider of the handwriting.
The Ownglyph Andol Science font is provided free of charge to all users, including individual and corporate users, and users are free to redistribute the font. It can be used for commercial purposes such as online/offline, goods, and advertising.
However, selling the font itself for a fee is prohibited. It is also prohibited to redistribute the font by modifying and revising it in any form.
The Ownglyph Andol Science font should be used as it is distributed.
The Ownglyph Andol Science font can be bundled with other paid or free software, including this copyright notice and license document.
If it is difficult to include the Ownglyph homepage license document, we recommend indicating the source.
ex) This page uses the Ownglyph Andol Science font.
Images of printed materials and advertisements (including online) that use the Ownglyph Andol Science font may be used for Ownglyph (or Voyager X, Inc.) promotions.
Users who do not wish to use it can request it at any time.